Half Day 6 hours

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Aeroportul Queen Alia

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Frontiera de Sud

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Portul Aqaba

The Port of Aqaba is the only port in Jordan, and is owned by Aqaba Development Corporation and has 12 terminals operated by five operators: the Aqaba Company for port management and operation; Aqaba

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Aeroportul Internațional King Hussein Aeroportul Aqaba

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Podul Allenby

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Previous Next Aqaba, JO 33°C Clear sky Aqaba   Aqaba, located in southwestern Jordan near the Israeli, Egyptian, and Saudi Arabian borders, is a favorite destination for both Jordanians and foreigners seeking to escape the cold winter weather. Sitting on the Gulf of Aqaba, not far from Egypt, the resort town enjoys balmy weather during […]

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Jordan, an Arab nation on the east bank of the Jordan River, is defined by ancient monuments, nature reserves and seaside resorts. It’s home to the famed archaeological site of Petra, the Nabatean capital dating to around 300 B.C. Set in a narrow valley with tombs, temples and monuments carved into the surrounding pink sandstone […]

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Ajloun is a town in the fertile highlands of north Jordan. It’s overlooked by the ruined Ajloun Castle, originally built in 1184 to defend against the Crusaders. Inside, the Ajloun Archaeological Museum’s displays include ancient Neolithic artifacts. The Ajloun Castle Trail winds north to the ruined hilltop church of Mar Elias. The Prophet’s Trail continues […]

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Granița Sheikh Hussein

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